[AI타임즈]/[Lab news] 한국인공지능학회(학회장 유창동) 하계 학술대회 시상에서 최우수 논문 2편과 우수 논문 8편 중 최우수 논문으로 석흥일 고려대 교수팀의 논문 ‘Personalized Regions Selection and Graph Relational Modeling for Early MCI Identification’, 우수 논문으로는 ‘Uncertainty-Gated Stochastic Sequential Model for EHR Data Imputation and In-Hospital Mortality Prediction’ 선정되었습니다.
Month: <span>December 2020</span>
Accepted to IEEE-TII
Congratulations, Wonjun’s paper is accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (JCR-IF: 9.112).
Eunji Jun awarded “NAVER PhD Fellowship”.
Congratulation!! Eunji Jun won 2020 NAVER PhD Fellowship award. Naver corporation awards for Ph.D. students who have published excellent papers in the world’s top-tier conferences or journals as the first author.