Congratulations!!! Wisnu’s work of “ProtoBrainMaps: Prototypical Brain Maps for Alzheimer’s Disease Progression Modeling” is accepted for presentation in MIDL.
Month: <span>May 2021</span>
Accepted to NeuroImage
Congratulation!! Our co-work with Prof. Min on “Electrophysiological Decoding of Spatial and Color Processing in Human Prefrontal Cortex” is accepted for publication in NeuroImage. B.-K. Min*, H. S. Kim, W. Ko, M.-H. Ahn, H.-I. Suk, D. Pantazis, R. T. Knight, “Electrophysiological Decoding of Spatial and Color Processing in Human Prefrontal Cortex,” NeuroImage, Accepted. (* Corresponding author)