Month: <span>August 2021</span>

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Accepted to ICDM 2021

Accepted to ICDM 2021

Congratulations!!! Wonjun’s paper, “ENGINE: Enhancing Neuroimaging and Genetic Information by Neural Embedding” is accepted for presentation in ICDM 2021. W. Ko, W. Jung, E. Jeon, A. W. Mulyadi, and H.-I. Suk, “ENGINE: Enhancing Neuroimaging and Genetic Information by Neural Embedding,” Proc. 21st IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2021. (Acceptance rate=20%)

Accepted to ACPR 2021

Accepted to ACPR 2021

Congratulations!!! Wonjun’s paper, “Spectro-Spatio-Temporal EEG Representation Learning for Imagined Speech Recognition,” is accepted for presentation in ACPR 2021. W. Ko, E. Jeon, and H.-I. Suk, “Spectro-Spatio-Temporal EEG Representation Learning for Imagined Speech Recognition,” Proc. The 6th Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR), 2021.

[PhD/MS Thesis Defences]

[PhD/MS Thesis Defences]

Congratulations! Eunji (Ph.D. program), and Yurim and Jaein (M.S. program) have successfully defended their thesis. They will acquire, respectively, doctoral and master’s degrees in August of this year.