Year: <span>2024</span>

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Selected as Best Paper of ICPRAI2024

Selected as Best Paper of ICPRAI2024

Congratulations!!! Wooyeol’s paper “Prototype-Guided Contrastive Knowledge Graph Representation Learning for Diagnosis Prediction” presented at ICPRAI2024 is selected as the 2nd best paper award.

Accepted to MICCAI 2024

Accepted to MICCAI 2024

Congratulations!!! Ahyoung(undergraduate intern) and Da-Woon’s co-wok on “BrainWaveNet: Wavelet-based Transformer for Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis” has been accepted to present at MICCAI2024.

Accepted to IEEE-TCYB

Accepted to IEEE-TCYB

Congratulations! Wonjun’s work on EEG-Oriented Self-Supervised Learning with Triple Information Pathways Network has been accepted for publication in IEEE-TCYB. Wonjun Ko, Seungwoo Jeong, Sa-Kwang Song, and Heung-Il Suk, “EEG-Oriented Self-Supervised Learning with Triple Information Pathways Network,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (Accepted).

Accepted to IEEE-TNNLS

Accepted to IEEE-TNNLS

Congratulations!!! Seungwoo and Wonsik’s work on “Deep Geometric Learning with Monotonicity Constraints for Alzheimer’s Disease Progression,” has been accepted for publication in IEEE-TNNLS. Seungwoo Jeong*, Wonsik Jung*, Junghyo Sohn, and Heung-Il Suk, “Deep Geometric Learning with Monotonicity Constraints for Alzheimer’s Disease Progression,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (*: equally contributed, Accepted)

Accepted to Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience

Accepted to Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience

Congratulations!!! Wonsik’s paper, “Deep learning model for individualized trajectory prediction of clinical outcomes in mild cognitive impairment,” has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience (JCR-IF: 4.8). W. Jung*, S.E. Kim*, J Kim, H. Jang, C.J. Park, H.J. Kim, D.L. Na, S.W. Seo†, and H.-I. Suk†, “Deep learning model for individualized trajectory prediction of clinical outcomes in mild cognitive...