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[2020 8월 학위 취득 예정]

[2020 8월 학위 취득 예정]

우리 연구실의 이지연 석사과정이 학위 논문 심사를 모두 통과하여 금년 8월에 석사 학위를 취득할 예정입니다. 축하합니다!

Accepted to HBM

Accepted to HBM

Congratulations!!! Eunji’s paper, titled “Identifying Resting-State Effective Connectivity Abnormalities in Drug-Naïve Major Depressive Disorder Diagnosis via Graph Convolutional Networks”, is accepted for publication in Human Brain Mapping.

Most Downloaded Article

Most Downloaded Article

Congratulations!!! Prof. Suk’s review article, “Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis (2017),” published in the Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering is listed as the Most Downloaded Article in the Past.