우리 연구실의 김범채 석사과정이 학위 논문 심사를 모두 통과하여 금년 2월에 석사 학위를 취득할 예정입니다. 축하합니다!
Author: milab
Accepted to MICCAI-ISLES 2017 Challenge
Congratulations!!! Jee Seok’s paper “Gated Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Networkfor Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation,” is accepted to present at MICCAI-ISLES 2017 Challenge.
A paper on functional dynamics modeling has been accepted to MICCAI-CNI.
Authors: E. Jun, H.-I, Suk
Paper information: “Region-Wise Stochastic Pattern Modeling for Autism Spectrum Disorder Identification and Functional Dynamics Analysis,” Connectomics in NeuroImaging (CNI) in conjunction with MICCAI.
2 papers accepted to BESK-Summer Workshop
Authors: 김범채, 석흥일
Paper information: “위양성 폐결절 검출 감소를 위한 횡단면 채널 2D CNN”, 2017 한국뇌공학회 뇌와 인공지능 하계 워크숍 (포스터)
Authors: 최준식, 석흥일
Paper information: “딥러닝 기반의 고해상도 자기공명영상 재구성”, 2017 한국뇌공학회 뇌와 인공지능 하계 워크숍 (포스터)
Jee-Seok received the “Best Paper Award”
Author: Jee-Seok Yoon
Award information: Jee-Seok’s paper, titled “Auto-Context Bagging for Brain Tumor Segmentation”, is awarded as the “Best Paper” in 2017 KIISE Korea Computer Congress, held at Jeju island in June 18-20, 2017.
4 papers have been accepted to KIISE-KCC 2017
Congratulations!!! 4 papers have been accepted to KIISE-KCC 2017.
Accepted to Medical Image Analysis
Congratulations!!! A paper on deep ensemble learning of sparse regression models has been accepted for publication in Medical Image Analysis.
Jee-Seok received the “Best Paper Award”
Author: Jee-Seok Yoon
Award information: Jee-Seok’s paper, titled “Deep Learning-based Brain Tumor Segmentation from Multi-modal MRI”, is awarded as “Best Presentation Paper” in 2016 KIISE Winter Workshop, held at Gangwon Province in December 21-23, 2016.
Accepted to Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering
Congratulations!!! A review paper on deep learning in medical image analysis has been accepted for publication in Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering.