정승우 연구원이 고려대 정보대학이 우수 논문 제출한 수료연구생에게 수여하는 “KU 연구장려장학금”을 수상하였습니다.“연구장려장학금”은 고려대 정보대학이 연구력 향상을 위해 우수한 논문을 제출한 수료연구생에게 우수논문상과 더불어 연구장려장학금을 지급합니다. 축하합니다!
Author: milab
Accepted to IPMI 2023
Congratulations! Jeeseok’s paper has been accepted for presentation at IPMI2023. Jee Seok Yoon, Chenghao Zhang, Heung-Il Suk, Jia Guo, Xiaoxiao Li, “SADM: Sequence-Aware Diffusion Model for Longitudinal Medical Image Generation,” Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI), 2023
2 papers have been accepted to BCI 2023
Congratulations!!! 2 papers have been accepted to BCI 2023.
2 papers have been accepted to IPIU 2023
Congratulations!!! 2 papers have been accepted to IPIU 2023.
Eunjin and KwanSeok were awarded the “NAVER PhD Fellowship”.
Congratulation!! Eunjin and KwanSeok won the 2022 NAVER PhD Fellowship award. The fellowship is awarded to graduate students with top-quality research output.
2 Papers Accepted to MedNeurIPS 2022
Congratulations!!! Wisnu and Kwanseok’s papers are accepted for presentation at MedNeurIPS 2022.
Accepted to Psychiatric Research
Congratulations!!! Da-Woon’s work in collaboration with Medical School in Jeonbuk National University is accepted for publication in Psychiatric Research (IF: 11.225, 9/145 in Psychiatry). Jaein and Eunsong are also listed as co-authors. Woo-Sung Kim#, Da-Woon Heo#, Jie Shen, Uyanga Tsogt, Soyolsaikhan Odkhuu, Jaein Lee, Eunsong Kang, Sung-Wan Kim, Heung-Il Suk*, Young-Chul Chung*, “Altered Functional Connectivity in...
Accepted to ICDM 2022
Congratulations!!! Seungwoo’s paper on “Deep Geometrical Learning for Alzheimer’s Disease Progression Modeling” is accepted to present in ICDM 2022 as a regular paper (acceptance rate: 9.77%). S. Jeong, W. Jung, J. Sohn, and H.-I. Suk, “Deep Geometrical Learning for Alzheimer’s Disease Progression Modeling,” ICDM2022 (Accepted).
Accepted to IEEE-TCYB
Congratulations!!! Jaeun’s paper on “TransSleep: Transitioning-aware Attention-based Deep Neural Network for Sleep Staging,” has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.