Congratulations!!! A paper on leveraging coupled interaction for automated segmentation and volume measurement of the liver and spleen has been accepted for publication in Korean Journal of Radiology.
Category: <span>Lab News</span>
Most Downloaded Article
Congratulations!!! Prof. Suk’s review article, “Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis (2017),” published in the Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering is listed as the Most Downloaded Article in the Past.
4 papers have been accepted to KIISE-KCC 2020
Congratulations!!! 4 papers have been accepted to KIISE-KCC 2020.
Accepted to MICCAI 2020
Congratulations!!! Eunjin and Eunsong’s paper has been accepted to MICCAI, 2020.
[Electronics] Editorial Board for Section “Computer Science & Engineering”
Prof. Suk serves the editorial board for the section “Computer Science & Engineering” in Electronics.
Accepted to BCI conference 2020
Congratulations!!! Wonjun’s paper has been accepted to BCI conference 2020.
Wonjun awarded the “Student Travel Award”.
Congratulation!! Wonjun is granted a Student Travel Award based on his abstract paper submission to the 2020 International BCI Meeting.
Accepted to IEEE-TNNLS
Congratulations!!! A paper on leveraging coupled interaction for multimodal Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis has been accepted for publication in IEEE-TNNLS.
Accepted to NeuroImage
Congratulations!!! A paper on toward an interpretable Alzheimer’s disease diagnostic model has been accepted for publication in NeuroImage.