Work Experiences
2024.02 – Current | Chairman, Department of Big Data Convergence, Korea University |
2023.10 – 2027.08 | Vice Director, BK21 FOUR R&E Center for Artificial Intelligence, Korea University |
2023.09 – Current | Professor, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Korea University |
2023.09 – 2024.02 | Professor, Department of Brain and Cognitive Engineering, Korea University |
2022.08 – 2023.08 | Visiting Professor, Department of Radiology, Duke University |
2019.04 – 2023.08 | Associate Professor, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Korea University |
2018.09 – 2023.08 | Associate Professor, Department of Brain and Cognitive Engineering, Korea University |
2015.03 – 2018.08 | Assistant Professor, Department of Brain and Cognitive Engineering, Korea University |
2014.09 – 2015.02 | Research Professor, BK21 Plus Center for Brain and Cognitive Engineering, Korea University |
2014.09 – 2015.02 | Postdoctoral Research Associate, Biomedical Research Imaging Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA |
Peer Review
- Nature Machine Intelligence, Nature Communications, Proceedings of the IEEE, NeuroImage, Medical Image Analysis, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, PLoS One, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Scientific Report, etc.
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Medical Imaging (TMI), Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), Industrial Informatics (TII), Biomedical Engineering (TBME), Cybernetics (TCB), Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE), etc.
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML), International Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL), etc.
Honors / Awards
2024 | Academic Award, Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM) |
2024 | Best Paper Award (2nd Prize), International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (ICPRAI) |
2023 | Award for Contribution to the Development of the Innovative Medical Device Industry, Ministry of Food and Drug Safety |
2022 | Achievement Award, Korean Artificial Intelligence Association |
2022 | 2020-2022 IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging Distinguished Reviewer |
2021 | 2022-2023 Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program Grantee (Link) |
2021 | IEEE Senior Member |
2021 | Best Paper Award, Korean Artificial Intelligence Association 2021 Summer Conference |
2020 | Best Paper Award, Korean Artificial Intelligence Association 2020 Summer Conference |
2019 | Young Researcher Award, Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM) |
2018 | Kakao Faculty Fellowship, Kakao |
2017 | Best Paper Award, 2017 Korea Computer Congress |
2016 | Best Presentation Award, 2016 KIISE Winter Workshop |
2016 | Best Paper Award, 2016 Korean Institute of Next Generation Computing Spring Workshop |
2015 | Outstanding Course Award (Introduction to Brain and Medical Engineering, BNCS313), Korea University |
2012 | Best Dissertation Award, College of Information and Communications, Korea University |
2012 | Silver Award, 18th Samsung Human-Tech Thesis Prize |
2011 | Honor Award, Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineerings Student Paper Contest |
2007 | Outstanding Paper Award, 2007 Korea Computer Congress |
Invited Talks / Tutorials
고려대학교 데이터과학원 온라인 강의 | 의료인공지능 : 뇌영상 기반 뇌질환 진단을 위한 인공지능 기술 소개(YouTube) |
고려대학교 데이터과학원 온라인 강의 | 의료인공지능 : 환자의 안전 강화를 위한 EHR/EMR 데이터 분석 인공지능 기술 소개(YouTube) |
고려대학교 데이터과학원 온라인 강의 | 의료인공지능 : 뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스를 위한 인공지능 기술 소개(YouTube) |
2024.07.06 | “Generative AI in Medical Imaging – Recent Advances and Applications,” 창립 30주년 기념 대한의학영상정보학회 학술대회, 양재 aT 센터 |
2023.03.23 | “Explainable and Interpretable Predictive Model for Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis,” University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA |
2022.11.11 | “설명가능 의료인공지능 기술 소개,” 부경대학교-(사)한국멀티미디어학회 인공지능과 미래융합기술 워크샵, 온라인 |
2022.06.28 | “Towards Interpretable and Explainable Modeling for Brain Disease Prognosis Prediction,” 한국뇌공학회 하계워크샵, 제주도 |
2022.06.27 | “Deep Learning for EHR Data Analysis,” 2022 AI Academy Lectures, 한국전자통신연구원 |
2022.04.15 | “Towards Robust, Interpretable and Explainable Alzheimer’s Disease Prediction Models,” 뉴로젠 |
2022.02.16 | “Tutorial: Deep Learning (Basic Concepts, Models, and Application to Bain Data),” 한국계산뇌과학회, 온라인 |
2021.10.28 | “Neural Modeling for Biomedical Data Analysis,” 계명대학교 AI 융합연구소, 온라인 |
2021.10.21 | “Learn, Explain, and Reinforce Predictive Models in Medicine,” 서울대학교병원, 온라인 |
2021.06.29 | “Deep Learning for EHR Data Analysis,” 2021 AI Academy Lectures, 한국전자통신연구원 |
2021.05.22 | “Modeling and Explaining in Predictive Medical Image Analysis,” 2021 대한의료인공지능학회 춘계학술대회, 온라인 |
2021.05.13 | “Multipurpose and Explanatory Modeling of Deep-Learning based Brain Image Analysis,” 2021 대한의용생체공학회 춘계학술대회, 온라인 |
2021.04.17 | “Towards Augmented Intelligence with Artificial Intelligence in Dementia,” 2021 대한치매학회 춘계학술대회, 온라인 |
2021.02.25 | “Multi-Scale Neural Network for Representation Learning for BCI,” 국가수리과학연구소, 온라인 |
2020.12.04 | [Keynote] “Neural Learning for EEG Data Analysis and Recognition,” 2020 대한뇌파신경생리학회 학술대회, 온라인 |
2020.07.09 | “지능형 BCI를 위한 고성능 의도 인식이 가능한 딥러닝 기술 개발 및 응용,” 2020 뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스 기술 워크샵, 힐튼 경주 호텔 |
2020.07.03 | “뇌연구에서의 인공지능 기술 현황 및 방향 소개,” 2020 대한민국과학기술연차대회, 코엑스(YouTube) |
2020.02.14 | “XAI를 이용한 의료/헬스케어 적용 방안,” 설명 가능한(eXplainable AI: XAI) 인공지능 개발과 산업별 적용 방안 세미나, 한국미래기술교육연구원 |
2019.11.23 | “Toward Interpretable Deep Models for Neuroimaging Data,” 2019 China-Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Neurobiology and Neuroinformatics, Chongqing University, China |
2019.10.18 | “Toward Interpretable Deep Models in Brain Data Analysis,” China-Korea Frontier Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China |
2019.08.22 | “Generative Adversarial Learning and Its Application to Medical Image Synthesis,” 대한전자공학회 신호처리소사이어티 영상이해연구회 여름학교, 연세대학교 |
2019.08.02 | “Brain Disease Predictive Modeling with Resting-State fMRI,” 정신건강기술개발사업 및 연구중심병원 육성과제: 초청 세미나, 전북대학교 |
2019.06.26 | “딥러닝 기반의 고성능 의도 인식이 가능한 지능형 BCI 개발,” BCI 통합 워크샵, 제주 ICC |
2019.05.30 | “Machine Intelligence for Learning and Predicting in Neuroimaging Data,” 성균관대학교 IBS 뇌과학이미징연구단 |
2019.05.22 | “AI 기반 뇌질환 진단 연구/기술 개발 사례 및 발전 전망,” 산업교육연구소 – 혁신의료기술 기반 서비스 최신 분석과 적용사례 및 사업화 세미나 |
2019.04.24 | “Machine Intelligence in Brain Imaging,” 아산병원 |
2019.04.10 | “Deep Learning in Medical Imaging: Promises, Limitations, and Challenges,” 대한의학영상정보학회 정기학술대회, 서울대병원 암연구소 |
2019.03.16 | “뇌를 이해하려는 인공지능,” 고려대학교 |
2019.02.13 | “Machine Learning Basics,” 한국인공지능학회 2019 인공지능 동계 단기강좌, 고려대학교 |
2018.12.21 | “Human Brain Hacking with Machine Learning,” 한국지능시스템학회 Future AI 심포지움, 쉐라톤 팔레스호텔 |
2018.12.20 | “Predictive Models for Neuroimaging-based Brain Disease Diagnosis,” 2018 인공지능 의료기술 개발 특성화사업단 심포지엄, 전남대학교 의과대학 |
2018.11.10 | “Deep Models for Brain Image Analysis (Interpretability in Diagnosis & Generability in Synthesis),” SMIT2018-IBEC2018 Joint Conference, Sheraton Grande Walkerhill, Seoul |
2018.11.02 | “Generative Adversarial Learning in Neuroimaging,” 2018 대한뇌기능매핑학회 추계학술대회, 서울대학교 |
2018.10.31 | “Predictive Modeling to Neuroimaging Data,” POSTECH |
2018.10.26 | “A Primer on Deep Learning,” 금오공과대학교 |
2018.10.12 | “Visual and Textual Explanations of Healthcare Data,” 2018 International Explainable AI Symposium, COEX |
2018.08.18 | “딥러닝 기반 NeuroImaging 데이터 분석 (이론 및 실습),” 2018 대한뇌기능매핑학회 여름학교, 하이원리조트 |
2018.07.04 | “Recent Trends in Deep-Learning based Biomedical Data Analysis,” Med-Tea 포럼, 이화여자대학교 |
2018.05.31 | “Machine Intelligence for Brain Imaging Data Analysis,” GIST 의생명공학과 |
2018.04.23 | “Data-driven Approaches in Medical Intelligence,” 2018 한국보건정보통계학회 춘계학술대회: 빅데이터 패러다임에서의 자료분석 및 재현성, 서울대학교 의과대학 |
2018.02.23 | “Deep Learning in Radiology – Recent Advances and Trends,” 2018 IEEE NPSS Seoul, 핵의학영상및기기연구회, 한국방사선산업학회 공동심포지움, 서울대학교 의과대학 |
2018.02.06 | “Data-Driven Predictive Modeling to Neuroimaging: Principles, Pitfalls, and Perspectives,” 한국계산뇌과학회 겨울학교, 대전컨벤션센터 |
2017.12.20 | “Decoding-based Approaches for Brain Disorder Diagnosis/Prognosis,” 인공지능 빅데이터 의학 심포지엄: Healthcare 3.0과 신경계질환, 연세대학교 원주의과대학 |
2017.12.06 | “Understanding and Exploring Machine Learning,” DGIST 로봇공학전공 |
2017.12.01 | “Deep Machine Learner in Radiology,” 카카오 |
2017.11.09 | “Deep Learning for Object Detection,” SK AI Course, SK New ICT Academy |
2017.11.03 | “Functional Connectivity Estimation with Machine Learning,” 대한뇌기능매핑학회 2017년도 추계학술대회, 이화여자대학교 |
2017.10.28 | “Reading Brain Images with Deep Models for Early Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis,” 제35회 미래정보기술산업전망, 벡스코 |
2017.08.30 | “Connectionism and Bayesianism in Machine Learning,” 20th Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Brain and Neural Science, Grand Hilton Convention Center |
2017.07.28 | “Deep Medical Image Reading,” 한국원자력의학원 원자력병원 방사선의학임상연구부 |
2017.07.20 | “Machine Intelligence in Brain Imaging,” 경북대학교 뇌과학연구소 |
2017.07.17 | “뇌질환 진단과 관련된 기계학습의 응용 사례,” 인공지능(AI) 의료진단/예측/치료 최신 분석과 적용사례 및 도입 전략 세미나, 산업교육연구소 |
2017.07.13 | “Applications of Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis,” 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Jeju ICC |
2017.07.07 | “Medical Intelligence: Imaging-based Diagnosis,” 2017 한국뇌공학회 뇌와 인공지능 하계 워크샵, 부산 |
2017.06.30 | “Hierarchical Feature Representations and Multimodal Fusion with Deep Learning,” 한양대학교 |
2017.06.15 | “Machine Learning for Predictive Imaging-Biomarker Discovery,” 고려대학교 학제간연구회 |
2017.06.02 | “딥러닝 기반의 공간-주파수-시간 특성 추출 및 의도 인식 성능 향상 기술 개발,” 2017 뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스 기술 워크샵, 사우스케이프 |
2017.03.13 | “Hacking the Brain: Machine Learner’s Approach,” Brain Imaging Meeting, 고려대학교 의과대학 |
2017.02.20 | “Variational (Bayesian) Inference: Basic Theory and Applications,” 제11회 패턴인식 및 기계학습 겨울학교, 고려대학교 |
2017.02.11 | “Machine Learning for Predictive Imaging-Biomarker Discovery,” Neuroscience Forum on Alzheimer’s Disease: Discovery of Predictive Biomarkers for AD, 제주도 |
2017.02.10 | “뇌 데이터사이언스(Brain Data + Machine Learning + Data Mining),” 한국뇌캠프, 서울대학교 |
2017.01.20 | “Spatio-Temporal-Spectral Filter Learning in EEG-based BCI,” 한국정보과학회 뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스 연구회 창립 기념 심포지움, 고려대학교 |
2016.12.21 | “Sparse Regression and Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis,” 제43회 한국정보과학회 동계학술대회 – 머신러닝 워크샵 |
2016.10.06 | “AI for Brain Research with Neuroimaging,” 고려대학교 안암병원 융합뇌신경연구센터 창립 1주년 기념 심포지움 |
2016.09.20 | “Connectionist’s Perspective for AI and Applications for Analyzing Brain Images,” 제8회 연세의과대학생 학술제, 에비슨의생명연구센터 |
2016.08.25 | “뇌구조/뇌기능 영상 분석을 위한 딥러닝 기술 소개,” 제2회 바이오영상신호처리 여름학교 – 바이오의료영상 딥러닝, 한국과학기술회관 |
2016.08.18 | “Introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning,” 제10회 패턴인식 및 기계학습 여름학교 – Bayesian Deep Learning, 고려대학교 |
2016.08.11 | “Structural/Functional Brain Image Analysis with Deep Learning,” 한국과학기술정보연구원 (KISTI) |
2016.07.28 | “Deep Learning for Healthcare Applications,” 한국전자통신연구원 (ETRI) |
2016.07.14 | “Introduction to Deep Learning and Its Application for Brain Image Analysis,” 가톨릭대학교 의료정보학교실 |
2016.07.09 | “Deep Learning for Brain Image Understanding,” 인포메디텍 |
2016.06.30 | “뇌질환 진단 및 예측을 위한 딥러닝 기술 응용,” 2016 한국컴퓨터종합학술대회 – 인공지능특별세션, 제주 ICC |
2016.06.16 | “기계학습 기반의 뇌질환 진단 및 예측과 활용 방안,” 인공지능(AI)과 가상현실(VR)을 이용한 첨단 미래 의료기술 활용방안 세미나, 한국미래기술교육연구원 |
2016.05.27 | “Machine Learning for Understanding Brain Images,” 2016 Avison Biomedical Symposium, Yonsei University, Korea |
2016.03.18 | “Deep Learning Techniques for Neuroimaging-based AD Diagnosis/Prognosis,” 한국과학기술정보원 (KISTI) |
2016.03.12 | “함께하는 뇌와 인공지능,” 2016 세계뇌주간, 고려대학교 (부제: 뇌연구, 궁금해요) |
2016.01.25 | “Machine Learning Applications for Neuroimaging-based Brain Disorder Diagnosis,” 2016 소프트웨어 컨버전스 심포지움, 한국과학기술회관 |
2016.01.20 | “Basics of Numerical Optimization for Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning,” 제9회 패턴인식 및 기계학습 겨울학교, 고려대학교 |
2015.12.23 | “과학과 공학, 뇌에서 만나다,” 국립과천과학기술관 진로탐구 프로그램, 국립과천과학기술관 |
2015.12.18 | “Advanced Machine Learning Techniques for Neuroimaging-based AD Diagnosis,” 한국정보과학회 동계학술대회, 강원도 |
2015.12.02 | “Convergence is NOT Divergence,” 부경대학교 |
2015.10.05 | “Introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning,” Tutorials: Deep Learning for Medical Imaging in Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Munich, Germany |
2015.07.20 | “Basics of MRI/fMRI and Their Applications with Machine Learning,” 제6회 뇌공학단기강좌: 뇌신호처리와 응용, 고려대학교 |
2015.06.24 | “Neuroimaging-based Brain Disorder Diagnosis with Machine Learning,” Smart Health: IoT, Wearable, ICT Technology Fusion Workshop (한국컴퓨터종합학술대회), 제주 ICC |
2014.10.13 | “Neuroimaging-based Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis with Deep Learning,” 뇌공학과 콜로퀴엄, 고려대학교 |
Professional Services
2022 – Current | Editorial Board, (SCIE) Clinical and Molecular Hepatology (Artificial Intelligence Editor) (2021-JCR-IF: 8.337) |
2020 – Current | Editorial Board, Frontiers in Radiology (Artificial Intelligence in Radiology) |
2020 – Current | Editorial Board, (SCIE) Electronics (2021-JCR-IF: 2.690) |
2020 – Current | Editorial Board, (SCIE) Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (Brain-Computer Interface) (2021-JCR-IF: 5.152) |
2019 – Current | Editorial Board, (SCIE) International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology (IJIST) (2021-JCR-IF: 2.177) |
2016 – Current | Editorial Board, Biomedical Research and Clinical Practice (BRCP) |
2020 – 2022 | Steering Committee, Institute of Data Science, Korea University |
2017 – Current | Governing Board Member, Brain Engineering Society of Korea |
2017 – 2020 | Governing Board Member, Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM) |
2016 – Current | Governing Board Member, Korean Artificial Intelligence Association |
2015 – Current | Governing Board Member, Korean Brain Education Association |
2015 – Current | Governing Board Member, Artificial Intelligence Society in the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineering |
2024 | Local Organizing Chair, 2024 IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (ICPRAI) (Jeju Island, Korea) |
2023 | Local Arrangements Chair, 12th 2024 IEEE International Winter Workshop on Brain-Computer Interface (High1 Resort, Korea) |
2022 | Local Arrangements Chair, 11th 2023 IEEE International Winter Workshop on Brain-Computer Interface (High1 Resort, Korea) |
2022 | Program Committee, 2022 International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Intervention (MICCAI) (Singapore) |
2021 | Program Committee, 6th Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR) |
2021 | Local Arrangements Chair, 10th 2022 IEEE International Winter Workshop on Brain-Computer Interface (High1 Resort, Korea) |
2021 | Program Committee, 12th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (Strasbourg, France) |
2020 | Local Arrangements Chair, 9th 2021 IEEE International Winter Workshop on Brain-Computer Interface (High1 Resort, Korea) |
2020 | Program Committee, 11th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (Lima, Peru) |
2020 | Program Committee, 2020 International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Intervention (MICCAI) (Lima, Peru) |
2020 | Area Chair, 2020 International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Intervention (MICCAI) (Lima, Peru) |
2019 | Publication Chair, 8th 2020 IEEE International Winter Workshop on Brain-Computer Interface (High1 Resort, Korea) |
2019 | Session Chair, 2019 International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Intervention (MICCAI) (Shenzhen, China) |
2019 | Program Committee, 2019 International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Intervention (MICCAI) (Shenzhen, China) |
2019 | Area Chair, 2019 International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Intervention (MICCAI) (Shenzhen, China) |
2019 | Co-organizer, 10th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (Shenzhen, China) |
2018 | Publication Chair, 7th 2019 IEEE International Winter Workshop on Brain-Computer Interface (High1 Resort, Korea) |
2018 | Co-organizer, 9th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (Granda, Spain) |
2017 | Co-organizer, 8th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (Quebec, Canada) |
2017 | Publication Chair, 6th 2018 IEEE International Winter Workshop on Brain-Computer Interface (High1 Resort, Korea) |
2016 | Local Arrangements Chair, 5th 2017 IEEE International Winter Workshop on Brain-Computer Interface (High1 Resort, Korea) |
2016 | Co-organizer, 7th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (Athens, Greece) |
2015 | Local Arrangements Chair, 4th 2016 IEEE International Winter Workshop on Brain-Computer Interface (Yongpyong, Korea) |
2015 | Organizing Committee, 2015 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (Sookmyung University, Korea) |
2015 | Co-organizer, Tutorials: Deep Learning for Medical Imaging, MICCAI 2015 (Munich, Germany) |
2015 | Program Committee, 6th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (Munich, Germany) |
2014 | Program Committee, 3rd 2015 IEEE International Winter Workshop on Brain-Computer Interface (Jeongseon, Korea) |
2014 | Program Committee, 5th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (Boston, USA) |
2013 | Program Committee, 2013 IEEE International Winter Workshop on Brain-Computer Interface (Jeongseon, Korea) |
2019 – Current | AAAI, Member |
2014 – Current | MICCAI Society, Member |
2021 – Current | IEEE, Senior Member |
2012 – 2021 | IEEE, Member |
2008 – 2012 | IEEE, Student Member |