Congratulations!!! Seungwoo received the ‘KU Achievement Award.’
Welcome to the Machine Intelligence Lab. (MILab)
The Machine Intelligence Laboratory is focusing on researches on developing machine learning and deep learning methods to investigate and analyze patterns inherent in various forms of data with their application to medical/computer vision, brain-computer interfaces, healthcare, and neuroinformatics.
Lab’s latest news
정원식 박사, 건양대학교 교수 임용
우리 연구실 2025년 2월 졸업생 정원식 박사가 2025년 3월 1일자로 건양대학교 인공지능학과 교수로 임용되었습니다. 그의 학문적 성취와 헌신에 박수를 보냅니다....
Accepted to NeuroImage
Congratulations! Kwanseok’s work on “A Quantitatively Interpretable Model for Alzheimer’s Disease Prediction Using Deep Counterfactuals” has been accepted for publication in...
Accepted to BCI 2025
Congratulations!!! Seungwoo’s work on “Energy-Guided Brain Topology Mamba for EEG-based BCI,” has been accepted for presentation in BCI 2025.
윤지석 연구원, 대한민국 인재상 수상
Congratulations!!! Jee Seok received an “Talent Award of Korea (대한민국인재상)” from the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea....
Accepted to Proceedings of the IEEE
Congratulations!!! Jee Seok’s paper, “Domain Generalization for Medical Image Analysis: A Review,” has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of...
[KHBM 2024] Academic Award
Congratulations! Professor Heung-Il Suk received an “Academic Award” at the 2024 Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM) Fall Workshop....
[KHBM 2024] Excellent Poster Award
Congratulations!!! Yeajin received an “Excellent Poster Award” in the 2024 Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM) Fall Workshop.