정원식, 전은진, 강은송 연구원이 한국인공지능학회 주관한 2023 하계학술대회에 제출한 논문이 “학회 우수논문상”을 수상하였습니다. 축하합니다!
Month: <span>July 2023</span>
Accepted to Scientific Reports
Congratulations! Changhyun and Wonsik’s paper is accepted to Scientific Reports for publication. Changhyun Park+, Wonsik Jung+, and Heung-Il Suk, “Deep Joint Learning of Pathological Region Localization and Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis,” Scientific Reports, 2023. (2021-JCR-IF: 4.997, MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES: 22/73) (+: equally contributed)