Year: <span>2023</span>

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고원준 박사, 성신여대 조교수 임용

고원준 박사, 성신여대 조교수 임용

우리 연구실의 박사졸업생, 고원준 박사가 성신여자대학교 조교수로 임용되었습니다. 그의 학문적 성취와 헌신에 박수를 보냅니다. 향후의 성공과 발전을 기대합니다. 🌟

Accepted to IEEE-TNNLS

Accepted to IEEE-TNNLS

Congratulations!!! Jaein’s work on “Site-Invariant Meta-Modulation Learning for Multi-Site Autism Spectrum Disorders Diagnosis” has been accepted for publication in IEEE-TNNLS.

Accepted to IEEE-TNNLS

Accepted to IEEE-TNNLS

Congratulations!!! Eunji’s paper “Medical Transformer: Universal Encoder for 3D Brain MRI Analysis” has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. E. Jun, S. Jeong, D.-W. Heo, and H.-I. Suk, “Medical Transformer: Universal Brain Encoder for 3D MRI Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), Accepted, 2023....

Accepted to ACPR2023

Accepted to ACPR2023

Congratulations!!! Yooseung’s work on “Frequency Mixup Manipulation based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Brain Disease Identification” has been accepted for presentation at ACPR2023 (Oral Presentation).

Accepted to Scientific Reports

Accepted to Scientific Reports

Congratulations! Changhyun and Wonsik’s paper is accepted to Scientific Reports for publication. Changhyun Park+, Wonsik Jung+, and Heung-Il Suk, “Deep Joint Learning of Pathological Region Localization and Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis,” Scientific Reports, 2023. (2021-JCR-IF: 4.997, MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES: 22/73) (+: equally contributed)

XADLiME: eXplainable Alzheimer's Disease Likelihood Map Estimation via Clinically-guided Prototype Learning

Accepted to NeuroImage

Congratulations!!! Wisnu’s paper “Estimating Explainable Alzheimer’s Disease Likelihood Map via Clinically-guided Prototype Learning” has been accepted for publication in NeuroImage. Ahmad Wisnu Mulyadi, Wonsik Jung, Kwanseok Oh, Jee Seok Yoon, Kun Ho Lee, and Heung-Il Suk, “Estimating Explainable Alzheimer’s Disease Likelihood Map via Clinically-guided Prototype Learning,” NeuroImage, 2023. (2021-JCR-IF: 7.40, NEUROSCIENCES: 38/275, NEUROIMAGING: 2/14, RADIOLOGY, NUCLEAR...

[KU 연구장려장학금] 정승우 수상

[KU 연구장려장학금] 정승우 수상

정승우 연구원이 고려대 정보대학이 우수 논문 제출한 수료연구생에게 수여하는 “KU 연구장려장학금”을 수상하였습니다.“연구장려장학금”은 고려대 정보대학이 연구력 향상을 위해 우수한 논문을 제출한 수료연구생에게 우수논문상과 더불어 연구장려장학금을 지급합니다. 축하합니다!