Congratulations!!! Seungwoo’s work on “Energy-Guided Brain Topology Mamba for EEG-based BCI,” has been accepted for presentation in BCI 2025.
Category: <span>Lab News</span>
윤지석 연구원, 대한민국 인재상 수상
Congratulations!!! Jee Seok received an “Talent Award of Korea (대한민국인재상)” from the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea. 축하합니다!!! 윤지석 연구원이 부총리 겸 교육부장관이 수여하는 대한민국 인재상을 수상하였습니다.
Accepted to Proceedings of the IEEE
Congratulations!!! Jee Seok’s paper, “Domain Generalization for Medical Image Analysis: A Review,” has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the IEEE.
[KHBM 2024] Academic Award
Congratulations! Professor Heung-Il Suk received an “Academic Award” at the 2024 Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM) Fall Workshop. 석흥일 교수님이 2024년 대한뇌기능매핑학회(KHBM) 추계학술대회에서 ‘학술상’ 본상을 수상했습니다. 대한뇌기능매핑학회(KHBM)는 최첨단 영상 도구(EEG/MEG, SPECT, PET, fMRI 등)들을 통해 인간의 여러 기능이 뇌에서 어떻게 발현되는지를 연구하는 국내 뇌기능 관련 대표 학회로 뇌기능 매핑 연구에 관심을 가진 국내...
[KHBM 2024] Excellent Poster Award
Congratulations!!! Yeajin received an “Excellent Poster Award” in the 2024 Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM) Fall Workshop.
[KHBM 2024] Outstanding Trainee Award
Congratulations!!! Wonsik received the “Outstanding Trainee Award” in the 2024 Korean Society for Human Brain Mapping (KHBM) Fall Workshop.
Competition Achievement in MICCAI Grand Challenge
Congratulations!!! Kwanseok achieved excellent results in the TopCow2024 Grand Challenge held at MICCAI. His team ranked in multiple tasks as follows: Detection (CT Angio): 2nd place Detection (MR Angio): 2nd place Segmentation (CT Angio): 3rd place Segmentation (MR Angio): 3rd place He will be awarded official certificates and prizes in recognition of their outstanding performance.
Accepted to Scientific Reports
Congratulations!!! Eunsong’s work on “Neurodevelopmental Imprints of Sociomarkers in Adolescent Brain Connectomes,” has been accepted for publication in Scientific Reports.
Accepted to IEEE-TNNLS
Congratulations!!! Eunjin’s work on “ADT2R: Adaptive Decision Transformer for Dynamic Treatment Regimes in Sepsis,” has been aaccepted for publication to IEEE-TNNLS.
Selected as Best Paper of ICPRAI2024
Congratulations!!! Wooyeol’s paper “Prototype-Guided Contrastive Knowledge Graph Representation Learning for Diagnosis Prediction” presented at ICPRAI2024 is selected as the 2nd best paper award.