전은지, 정승우, 허다운 연구원이 한국인공지능학회 주관한 2021 하계학술대회에 제출한 논문이 “엘지이노텍 최우수논문상”을 수상하였습니다. 축하합니다!
Category: <span>Award</span>
[KU 연구장려장학금] 고원준, 전은지 수상
고원준, 전은지 연구원이 고려대 최우수대학원생에게 수여하는 “KU 연구장려장학금”를 수상하였습니다.“연구장려장학금”은 고려대 정보대학이 연구력 향상을 위해 우수한 논문을 제출한 수료연구생에게 우수논문상과 더불어 연구장려장학금을 지급합니다. 축하합니다!
Jee Seok awarded “JW Foundation Fundamental Scientist Scholarship”.
Congratulations!! Jee Seok Yoon won the 1st JW Foundation Fundamental Scientist Scholarship. JW Foundation awards living stipends of 24M won (about $22,000) to Ph.D. students with the potential to be future leaders in the field of fundamental science.
한국인공지능학회 (최)우수 논문 시상 관련 국내 언론 보도
[AI타임즈]/[Lab news] 한국인공지능학회(학회장 유창동) 하계 학술대회 시상에서 최우수 논문 2편과 우수 논문 8편 중 최우수 논문으로 석흥일 고려대 교수팀의 논문 ‘Personalized Regions Selection and Graph Relational Modeling for Early MCI Identification’, 우수 논문으로는 ‘Uncertainty-Gated Stochastic Sequential Model for EHR Data Imputation and In-Hospital Mortality Prediction’ 선정되었습니다.
Eunji Jun awarded “NAVER PhD Fellowship”.
Congratulation!! Eunji Jun won 2020 NAVER PhD Fellowship award. Naver corporation awards for Ph.D. students who have published excellent papers in the world’s top-tier conferences or journals as the first author.
Wonsik and Jaeun received an Excellent Poster Award.
Congratulations!!! Wonsik and Jaeun received an “Excellent Poster Award” at KHBM 2020.
Wonjun awarded the “Student Travel Award”.
Congratulation!! Wonjun is granted a Student Travel Award based on his abstract paper submission to the 2020 International BCI Meeting.
Prof. Suk received the “Young Researcher Award”
Congratulations!!! Prof. Suk received a “Young Researcher Award” at KHBM 2019.
Wonjun received the “Student Award”
Congratulations!!! Wonjun received a “Student Award” at KHBM 2019.