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Accepted to MICCAI 2024

Accepted to MICCAI 2024

Congratulations!!! Ahyoung(undergraduate intern) and Da-Woon’s co-wok on “BrainWaveNet: Wavelet-based Transformer for Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis” has been accepted to present at MICCAI2024.

Accepted to ICASSP2024

Accepted to ICASSP2024

Congratulations!!! Jiwon’s work on “Eigendecomposition-Based Spatial-Temporal Attention for Brain Cognitive States Identification,” has been accepted for publication in ICASSP2024.

Accepted to ACPR2023

Accepted to ACPR2023

Congratulations!!! Yooseung’s work on “Frequency Mixup Manipulation based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Brain Disease Identification” has been accepted for presentation at ACPR2023 (Oral Presentation).