Category: <span>Journal Publication</span>

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Accepted to IEEE-TMI

Accepted to IEEE-TMI

Congratulations!!! Wonsik’s work on “EAG-RS: A Novel Explainability-guided ROI Selection Framework for ASD Diagnosis via Inter-regional Relation Learning,” has been accepted for publication in IEEE-TMI.

Accepted to IEEE-TNNLS

Accepted to IEEE-TNNLS

Congratulations!!! Jaein’s work on “Site-Invariant Meta-Modulation Learning for Multi-Site Autism Spectrum Disorders Diagnosis” has been accepted for publication in IEEE-TNNLS.

Accepted to IEEE-TNNLS

Accepted to IEEE-TNNLS

Congratulations!!! Eunji’s paper “Medical Transformer: Universal Encoder for 3D Brain MRI Analysis” has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. E. Jun, S. Jeong, D.-W. Heo, and H.-I. Suk, “Medical Transformer: Universal Brain Encoder for 3D MRI Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), Accepted, 2023....

Accepted to Scientific Reports

Accepted to Scientific Reports

Congratulations! Changhyun and Wonsik’s paper is accepted to Scientific Reports for publication. Changhyun Park+, Wonsik Jung+, and Heung-Il Suk, “Deep Joint Learning of Pathological Region Localization and Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis,” Scientific Reports, 2023. (2021-JCR-IF: 4.997, MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES: 22/73) (+: equally contributed)

XADLiME: eXplainable Alzheimer's Disease Likelihood Map Estimation via Clinically-guided Prototype Learning

Accepted to NeuroImage

Congratulations!!! Wisnu’s paper “Estimating Explainable Alzheimer’s Disease Likelihood Map via Clinically-guided Prototype Learning” has been accepted for publication in NeuroImage. Ahmad Wisnu Mulyadi, Wonsik Jung, Kwanseok Oh, Jee Seok Yoon, Kun Ho Lee, and Heung-Il Suk, “Estimating Explainable Alzheimer’s Disease Likelihood Map via Clinically-guided Prototype Learning,” NeuroImage, 2023. (2021-JCR-IF: 7.40, NEUROSCIENCES: 38/275, NEUROIMAGING: 2/14, RADIOLOGY, NUCLEAR...

Accepted to Psychiatric Research

Accepted to Psychiatric Research

Congratulations!!! Da-Woon’s work in collaboration with Medical School in Jeonbuk National University is accepted for publication in Psychiatric Research (IF: 11.225, 9/145 in Psychiatry). Jaein and Eunsong are also listed as co-authors. Woo-Sung Kim#, Da-Woon Heo#, Jie Shen, Uyanga Tsogt, Soyolsaikhan Odkhuu, Jaein Lee, Eunsong Kang, Sung-Wan Kim, Heung-Il Suk*, Young-Chul Chung*, “Altered Functional Connectivity in...

Accepted to IEEE-TCYB

Accepted to IEEE-TCYB

Congratulations!!! Jaeun’s paper on “TransSleep: Transitioning-aware Attention-based Deep Neural Network for Sleep Staging,” has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.