Accepted to NeuroImage

Congratulations!!! A paper on modeling functional dynamics in fMRI has been accepted for publication in NeuroImage.

Accepted to MLMI 2018

Congratulations!!! Jun-Sik’s paper, titled “Regional Abnormality Representation Learning in Structural MRI for AD/MCI Diagnosis,” is accepted at 2018 MLMI.

2 Papers Accepted to KIISE-KCC 2018

Congratulations!!! 2 papers have been accepted to KIISE-KCC 2018.

Accepted to MICCAI 2018

Congratulations!!! Eunsong’s paper, titled “Probabilistic Source Separation on resting-state fMRI and Its Use for Early MCI Identification,” is accepted for presentation at 2018 MICCAI.

Accepted to BCI Meeting 2018.

Congratulations!!! Wonjun’s paper “Towards Reducing Calibration in BCI: Artificial EEGs Generation by Deep Learning,” is accepted for poster presentation at BCI Meeting 2018.

Accepted to BCI Workshop 2018

Congratulations!!! Wonjun’s paper “Deep Recurrent Spatio-Spectral Neural Network for Motor Imagery based BCI,” is accepted to present at BCI Workshop 2018.

[2018 2월 학위 취득 예정]

[2018 2월 학위 취득 예정]

우리 연구실의 김범채 석사과정이 학위 논문 심사를 모두 통과하여 금년 2월에 석사 학위를 취득할 예정입니다. 축하합니다!

Jee Seok received the “Travel Award” in MICCAI 2017


Accepted to MICCAI-ISLES 2017 Challenge

Congratulations!!! Jee Seok’s paper “Gated Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Networkfor Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation,” is accepted to present at MICCAI-ISLES 2017 Challenge.

A paper on functional dynamics modeling has been accepted to MICCAI-CNI.

Authors: E. Jun, H.-I, Suk

Paper information: “Region-Wise Stochastic Pattern Modeling for Autism Spectrum Disorder Identification and Functional Dynamics Analysis,” Connectomics in NeuroImaging (CNI) in conjunction with MICCAI.